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In The News

Learn about how the Co-Harvest team and our partners are working to empower San Diego's communities through food sovereignty and efficient community-led urban agriculture.

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The San Diego Business Journal wrote an awesome article about the Co-Harvest model!



*This article does fail to mention our involvement with school micro-farms and building food-gardens for food-insecure families.


Bayside Community Center was highlighted for their distribution efforts during the pandemic! They identified and delivered our Co-Harvested  bags of diversified produce twice a month for the entirety of the pandemic! It is important to stay committed to the health of our elders especially in times of crisis!


At the beginning of the pandemic, The Peninsula Beacon highlighted our efforts as part of a growing B(l)OOM of urban gardeners. It was important for us to use our voice to make sure "gardening" is portrayed accurately as the restorative/revolutionary act that it is. This is NOT a trend, urban agriculture is a solution to food-insecurity and environmental degradation.

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